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2023-08-16 18:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


adv. 純粹地;僅僅,只不過;完全地;貞淑地;清潔地

英語釋義restricted to something;

"we talked strictly business"


totallyad 完全地

Purely Exquisite極品麗容

completelyad 完全地,徹底地;完整地

Purely honorary純然榮譽

purely infinite純無限

Purely familiar純屬熟悉

like purely像純粹

Purely BelterPurely Belter is a 2000 British comedy drama film directed by Mark Herman about two teenagers (Chris Beattie and Greg McLane) trying to get money, by any means necessary, in order to get season tickets for home games played by the FA Premier League football team Newcastle United.

purely discontinuous[數]

Purely accidental純屬意外

simplyad 簡單地;僅僅;簡直;樸素地;坦白地

entirelyad 完全地,徹底地

merelyad 僅僅,只不過;只是

absolutelyad 絕對地;完全地

Purely decentralized分散式

thoroughlyad 徹底地,完全地


simplyad 簡單地;僅僅;簡直;樸素地;坦白地

merelyad 僅僅,只不過;只是


evillyad 邪惡地

immorallyad 不道德地;品行不良地

impurelyad 不純地;污染地

sinfullyad 有罪地;不道德地

wickedlyad 惡劣地;居心叵測地


now, lest i confuse you, this is purely a theoretical discussion, and no apis exist that will interpret these two documents as equivalent.

現在,為避免我把您弄糊涂,這純粹是理論上的討論,不存在任何api 可將這兩個文檔解釋為等價的。

grace appears most purely in that human form which either has no consciousness or an infinite consciousness.


but companies are not driven purely by fear of regulation.


for me, it changes my life from being purely self-centered to being something with meaning for others, too.


this way, the purely advisory locking still gives you what you need: reliable assurance that only one program at a time is modifying the data files.


therefore it was not for any real value, but for a purely fictitious value that judge blount invited him to dinner.


for reasons too detailed to go into in this article, none of them can impact humanity purely from the positions of the stars in the sky or how aligned the planets are.


what is moral is not the divine, but rather a purely human matter, albeit the most important of all human matters.


if your traffic comes purely from search engines, then using an exact match domain name may be a smart decision for you.


「guys come in with no self-esteem at all and build themselves up purely because (they realise) 「hey i」m needed again in life, i「m not just sitting around waiting to die, 」 hill says.


it」s a purely embedded database that can either be used within an application, or as the database for a more traditional client-server application.


but from the purely personal point of view her tenacity makes sense.


but if cost is individual, ephemeral, and purely subjective, then it follows that no policy conclusions, including conclusions about law, can be derived from or even make use of such a concept.


if they resolve to the same value, it is purely coincidental.


many different objects employ these semantics, yet they have nothing to do with the object itself from a purely object-oriented view.


these are purely physical systems, but the brain has much in common with them.


purely as a technical person, i feel that these are the most effective and amazing products i’ve ever used.


the process of thought, if people consider it at all, is generally believed to be a purely private matter having a momentary bearing on themselves alone.


but from a purely pragmatic standpoint, the enduring nature of code highlights a priority for a development governance program.


perhaps it is possible, but the incentive can not be purely financial.


under the bonnet, the car is more of a purely electric car than any similar hybrids on the road today, and has made its debut at least a year ahead of similar models from the us and japan.


while purely procedural designs without much modularity run just fine, the advantages of oo design show up in the maintenance.


his peculiar gift was the power of holding continuously in his mind a purely mental problem until he had seen straight through it.


and every physical object, or every purely physical object, is subject to deterministic laws because the laws of physics are deterministic.


the decision to evacuate hawaii was based purely on the tremendous power of the earthquake in chile, which at magnitude 8.8, was the fifth largest in the past 110 years.


in a purely garbage collected system, a circular reference is not a problem: if neither of the objects involved is referenced by any other object, then both are garbage collected.





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